Who am I? And Who are you?

 “A human being is essentially a spiritual eye. The skin and bones fall away. Whatever you really see, you are that.” Rumi, VI, 812. 👁

“A self is not something static, tied up in a pretty parcel and handed to the child, finished and complete. A self is always becoming. Being does mean becoming, but we run so fast that it is only when we seem to stop — as sitting on the rock at the brook — that we are aware of our own isness, of being. But certainly that is not static; for this awareness of being is always a way of moving from the selfish self — the self-image — and towards the real.  Who am I, then? Who are you?” —Madeleine L’Engle 🌊

Through Iyengar Yoga, the body gains health through the practice of āsana—with the potential for experiencing so much more of Yoga. The outer body is only the beginning, the vehicle through which we live, act,  and gain wisdom. Every āsana in Iyengar Yoga has the potential for the experience of meditation and deep insight into who we are. One’s being is the instrument for contemplation. “When oil is poured from one vessel to another, one can observe the steady constant flow. When the flow of concentration is uninterrupted, the state that arises is dhyāna (meditation). As filament in the electric bulb glows and illumined when there is a regular uninterrupted current of electricity, the yogi’s mind will be illumined by dhyāna. One’s body, breath, senses, mind, reason and ego are all integrated in the object of contemplation - the Universal Spirit.“ Yogācārya B.K.S. Iyengar, Light on Yoga, 1966.

Supta Virāsana ~ “reclining hero’s pose”